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Hello staffan CEO for Plexian and one of SweFinTechs newest members

Uppdaterat: 15 aug. 2018

Hello Staffan Mattsson CEO of the FinTech company Plexian. You are one of SweFinTechs newest members so let us know some more about Plexian.

What kind of company is Plexian?

Plexian helps companies and organisations to re-imagine what it means to have a loyalty program. Traditionally most companies have focused too much on discounts and forgotten all the other things that create value for the customer. The solution is not to offer a loyalty program, the future is to be a loyalty company. With our Plexian Mobile Wallet, we make the loyalty program a seamless experience for the consumer in their everyday life.

What's your expectations on your membership in SweFinTech?

The FinTech niche is still small compared to the parent sectors Finance and Technology. This creates opportunities for Plexian together with the other members of SweFinTech in an early stage to affect how this sector will develop in the coming years. There are also many synergy opportunities between the different members in SweFinTech, which can lead to better products.

What political issues are important to you and how can policy develop so that Sweden will continue to be a leading country in FinTech?

We want the current legislation in Sweden to be more start-up and FinTech-friendly. When young driven people deter from pursuing their dream because of too much bureaucracy something must change. It must be simpler to be an entrepreneur and a big part of that change is to push digitalisation faster.

Thank you and once again welcome!

You can read more about Plexian and Staffan here:

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