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SweFinTech is a key contributor to the European Parliament event on Open Finance

By: Jens Olsson (Senior Advisor, SweFintech)

SweFinTech was invited to the European Parliament in Brussels to speak about how EU is embracing Open Banking and how it addresses current developments and trends in the payments market.

The event, titled “Open Finance: The Backbone of Digital Economy”, was opened by Maria Staszkiewicz (president of the European Digital Finance Association) and Ondřej Kovařík (MEP, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs). Then followed a financial data outlook by Jan Ceyssens (Head of Unit, Digital Finance, DG FISMA, European Commission) and Eric Ducoulombier (Head of Unit, Retail Financial Services, DG FISMA, European Commission). SweFinTech was a key speaker in presenting the PSD2 position paper by the EDFA.

The event was organised by the European Digital Finance Association (EDFA) which is an independent industry body that represents the European digital finance community. EDFA unites over a dozen of European national fintech associations, their several thousand members covering a wide range of companies from start-ups and financial institutions to investors and professional services companies.

About the author:

Jens Olsson is a Senior Advisor at SweFinTech supporting the association and its members on payments and open finance related matters.

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