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Webinar: Enhancing Cross-boarder Payments - the Road Ahead

Attend the Sveriges Riksbank's and CPMI's regional webinar for the Nordic-Baltic region on enhancing cross-boarder payments on Monday, 25 January 2021 10.00-12.00 (CET).

Improved cross-border payments will support financial inclusion, international trade, and global cooperation. The Covid-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the need for lower-cost, faster, more accessible and more transparent cross-border payments. The G20 has endorsed a roadmap to enhance cross-boarder payments. The CPMI has contributed to the identification of frictions underlying cross-border payment arrangements (FSB Stage 1 report) and the final roadmap (FSB Stage 3 roadmap). The roadmap is based on the “building blocks" needed to improve current payment systems, as identified in the CPMI

Stage 2 report. Sveriges Riksbank has been involved throughout this three-stage process coordinated by the Financial Stability Board (FSB).

The objective of this webinar for the Nordic-Baltic region is to inform relevant stakeholders

from the public and private sectors about this work and to support the implementation of the roadmap. This webinar will (i) outline the building blocks and the roadmap and (ii) seek participants’ input on selected building blocks.

Draft Agenda:

1. Opening remarks

  • Stefan Ingves, Governor of Sveriges Riksbank

  • Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor of Bank of England, Chair of the CPMI and Co-Chair of the FSB Cross-border Payments Coordination Group

2. Enhancing cross-border payments – building blocks and the global roadmap

  • Tara Rice, Head of Secretariat of the CPMI, Bank for International Settlements

  • Rupert Thorne, Deputy to the Secretary General, Financial Stability Board

3. Paving the way: cross-currency instant payments using TIPS

  • Ulrich Bindseil, Director General of Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank

4. Panel: What is needed to improve cross-border payments?

Moderated by Cecilia Skingsley, First Deputy Governor of Sveriges Riksbank

  • Olivier Denecker, Expert Partner, McKinsey

  • Lars Sjögren, Chief Executive Officer, P27

  • Claus Bunkenborg, Chief Executive Officer, MobilePay

Potential additional panelist to be determined

5. Wrap up

  • Cecilia Skingsley, First Deputy Governor of Sveriges Riksbank

Please register your participation in the webinar by following this link by no later than

Friday, 8 January 2021. Technical details about connecting to the webinar via WebEx will be provided in the confirmation. If you experience problems with registering, please send an e-mail to Thomas Nilsson (

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